Nearby services

Services in the vicinity

Less than 200 meters away
  • A supermarket
  • A tobacco press
  • A bakery/pastry shop
  • A parapharmacy
  • A florist
  • A gas station with garage
  • Vegetable and local products store
Less than 1km away you will find
  • A bank
  • A pharmacy
  • The hospital of Balagne
  • Nursing office
  • Hairdressing salons
  • Beauty salons
  • Sports store with camping equipment
  • Cafés
  • Restaurants
  • Various stores
  • Optician
  • Florist
  • Electronic cigarette store
  • Seamstress, telephone store
  • Pressing
  • Do-it-yourself store
  • Bike and motorcycle rental
And to entertain you at less than 500 meters
  • Tennis club of Calvi
  • Sailing Club of Calvi
  • Tree climbing course
  • Sports course in the pine forest
  • Minigolf
  • Pedal boat rental
  • Jets
  • Paddle……
  • Calvi train station less than 10 minutes away